XiPU - Design of the IO Data BUS


Overview of the input register, output register, and the IO BUS protocol. It contains a description of all available registers serviced by the IO Board.

1. IO

The IO Data BUS is the only way to communicate the XiPU with the world. It is a 16-bit interface, where 8 bits are used for input and the other 8 bits are used for output.

For each 8-bit input or output, the lowest 4 bits are used for data, and the highest 4 bits are used for transmission flags and statuses. Every transmission on that BUS is initiated by the XiPU and must wait until the IO Board sets the execution finish bit before the next transmission begins.

Only the keyboard and the RS232 can trigger the XiPU to start transmission by using special bits reserved as simple interrupt flags, which means that the input buffer of a specific interface has new incoming data to process.

1.1. Input

Pin Name Description
0 IN_DATA_0 Input data bit 0
1 IN_DATA_1 Input data bit 1
2 IN_DATA_2 Input data bit 2
3 IN_DATA_3 Input data bit 3
4 IN_CLOCK_BIT Input clock control bit
5 IN_KEYBOARD_READY_BIT Input "keyboard has data to read" control bit [0 - empty, 1 - data in buffer]
6 IN_RS232_READY_BIT Input "RS232 has data to read" control bit [0 - empty, 1 - data in buffer]
7 IN_OPERATION_COMPLETE_BIT Input operation completed control bit. Bit toggles after every ended operation.

1.2. Output

Pin Name Description
0 OUT_DATA_0 Output data bit 0
1 OUT_DATA_1 Output data bit 1
2 OUT_DATA_2 Output data bit 2
3 OUT_DATA_3 Output data bit 3
4 OUT_HALF_BIT Output "half selector of the byte" control bit [0 - lower part, 1 - higher part]
5 OUT_MODE_BIT Output "register selection or data transmission mode" control bit [0 - register set, 1 - data transmission]
6 OUT_RW_BIT Output read/write control bit [0 - read, 1 - write]
7 OUT_DATA_READY_BIT Output "data is ready to read from output" control bit [0 - wait, 1 - ready]

2. Registers

The registers are an 8-bit virtual construct serviced by the IO Board for the XiPU. It is the easiest way to offer access to the devices and peripherals from the XiPU perspective.

It uses a 4-bit addressing method. It means it is possible to address up to 16 different registers directly. In some cases, an additional address field is used, like for access to the File System or other big data fields where extended addressing is needed. Extended addressing method always slow down the access time and total bandwidth on the IO BUS and is used only when it is truly needed.

2.1. Read protocol

1. Set register (optional):

2. Read data:

2.2. Write protocol

1. Set register (optional):

2. Write data:

2.3. List of registers

ID Name Type Description
0 REG_KEYBOARD Read Read a character from the keyboard buffer
1 REG_LED_COMMAND Write List of possible commands:

0x0 : LED_RUN_OFF - Disable the "run" LED
0x1 : LED_RUN_ON - Enable the "run" LED
0x2 : LED_ERROR_OFF - Disable the "error" LED
0x3 : LED_ERROR_ON - Enable the "error" LED

2 REG_ADDRESS_LOW Write Low byte of the address
3 REG_ADDRESS_HIGH Write High byte of the address
4 REG_LCD_COLOR Write Lower 4 bits for the foreground color. Higher 4 bits for the background color.
5 REG_LCD_CHAR Write Print a character on the screen. REG_ADDRESS_LOW is used as a column number and REG_ADDRESS_HIGH is used as a row number.
6 REG_LCD_COMMAND Write List of possible commands:

0x0 : LCD_CLEAR - Clear the screen
0x1 : LCD_REFRESH - Repaint the screen
0x2 : LCD_SCROLL - Scroll up a one line

7 REG_RS232_RX Read Read a character from the receive buffer
8 REG_RS232_TX Write Write a character into the send buffer
9 REG_RTC_FIELD Read and Write List of possible fields addressed by REG_ADDRESS_LOW:

0x0 : RTC_YEAR - Year
0x1 : RTC_MONTH - Month
0x2 : RTC_DAY - Day
0x3 : RTC_HOUR - Hour
0x4 : RTC_MINUTE - Minute
0x5 : RTC_SECOND - Second

10 REG_RTC_COMMAND Write List of possible commands:

0x0 : RTC_READ - Read date and time from the RTC to the buffer
0x1 : RTC_WRITE - Write date and time from the buffer to the RTC

11 REG_SPEAKER_FIELD Read and Write Read returns a free size in the buffer. List of possible writable fields addressed by REG_ADDRESS_LOW:

0x0 : SPEAKER_NOTE - Note
0x1 : SPEAKER_TIME - Time of play
0x2 : SPEAKER_FILL - Fill of the square wave
0x3 : SPEAKER_VOLUME - Volume

12 REG_SPEAKER_COMMAND Write List of possible commands:

0x0 : SPEAKER_CLEAR - Stop playing and clear the buffer
0x1 : SPEAKER_ADD_NOTE - Add a note to the buffer and start playing

13 REG_FS_NAME Write Set a name of an application or a file, character by character using REG_ADDRESS_LOW as offset in the name
14 REG_FS_DATA Read Read data from the buffer, byte by byte, using REG_ADDRESS_LOW as the address. After every read, the address is incremented by 1 automatically.
15 REG_FS_COMMAND Read and Write List of possible commands:

0x0 : FS_OPEN_APP (read) - Open an application
0x1 : FS_OPEN_FILE (read) - Open a file
0x2 : FS_LIST_APP (read) - Generate a list of applications
0x3 : FS_LIST_FILE (read) - Generate a list of files
0x4 : FS_SIZE (read) - Get the size of the data buffer
0x5 : FS_READ_BLOCK (write) - Write the next block of data addressed by REG_ADDRESS_LOW to the REG_FS_DATA

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