XiPU - Download


Download page with links to sources, binaries, documentations for the XiPU project.

1. Project

Name File Description
XiPU Simulation sim-1.0.0.zip Simulation file of the XiPU processor created in Proteus 8 Professional
XiPU pcb-1.0.0.zip PCB design and Gerber files for the XiPU created in DipTrace
IO Board io-1.0.0.zip PCB design and Gerber files for the IO Board created in DipTrace
Keyboard kbd-1.0.1.zip PCB design and Gerber files for the keyboard created in DipTrace
XiPC Case case-1.1.1.zip Plexiglass case project for the XiPC

For older versions, please see https://xirx.net/download/xipu/

2. Binaries

Name File Description
uROM Images urom-1.0.1.zip Microcode files needed for the XiPU instruction decoder
ROM rom-1.0.1.zip ROM OS image with a simple terminal and IO API. It contains a map file with addresses of basic functions for IO operations.
IO Board firmware fw-1.0.0.zip Firmware for the IO Board
File System fs-1.0.1.zip Prepared file system structure with basic applications and an example text file
Tools tools-1.1.1.zip uROM Generator, ASM Compiler and XiPC Emulator executables compiled for Win x64

For older versions, please see https://xirx.net/download/xipu/

3. Source code

For source code, please see https://git.xirx.net/xipu/

4. Code documentation

Name Online view Archive Description
uROM Generator HTML version urom_doc-1.0.1.zip Source code documentation for the uROM Generator
ASM Compiler HTML version asm_doc-1.0.0.zip Source code documentation for the ASM Compiler
IO Board firmware HTML version fw_doc-1.0.0.zip Source code documentation for the IO Board firmware
XiPC Emulator HTML version emu_doc-1.0.1.zip Source code documentation for the XiPC Emulator

For older versions, please see https://xirx.net/doc/xipu/

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